Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Welcome to Make it New! Modern and Contemporary Poetry

"Make it new!" Ezra Pound exclaimed as he exhorted poets to greet the new century with a change in artistic vision and creation.

Modern poetry seeks to respond to an expanding and changing world--evolving at lightning speed through world wars and technical innovations, increasing migrations of ideas and peoples, the breakdown in old systems of explanation and the creation of new theories of explaining the world we live in and how people act in it.

In English 210 at Goshen College we are looking at the work that poetry does in the world--both during the formative era of modernism and in our own postmodern times.

To begin, we will look at three poems written post 9/11.

Alabanza! by Martin Espada -- hear Espada read the poem

Dropping Leaflets by Jena Osman -- hear Osman read the poem

Try to Praise the Mutilated World by Adam Zagajewski

The image above is a drawing of Ezra Pound by Wyndham Lewis (1920) found on the Modern American Poetry site.

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